Through my previous articles we have seen how kubernetes is setup on AWS but now we'll see how we can make a multi-cloud setup i.e. different nodes of the cluster on different cloud services platforms.
We will be using AWS and Microsoft Azure as cloud platform and also our own local system as one of the nodes.
Worker Node on Azure:
Now, we launch an instance on Azure in order to configure worker node for the cluster as follows,
here we have configured yum repository which is required for installing kubernetes on our system,
Installing Docker as our container engine for kubernetes:
Now next we change the default cgroup driver to systemd driver:
As we know kubernetes need tc command so, we need to install iproute-tc
Our worker node is configured so we join the cluster using kubeadm command:
As for other worker node we create it on our local system in a similar fashion as we did previously and join it to the cluster :
Master node for our cluster is configured on AWS:
As for configuring our master node after applying all the commands used in configuration of worker node we have to use some additional commands:
Now with this our Multi-cloud kubernetes cluster is configured as we used AWS for master node Microsoft Azure as one worker node and our own local system as one of the other worker nodes.
This project was done with some of my friends:
- Saurav Rana
-Sahil Negi
-Rithik Sharma
- Vibhanshu Sharma
-Devesh Bhardwaj.